legal guardian

英 [ˈliːɡl ˈɡɑːdiən] 美 [ˈliːɡl ˈɡɑːrdiən]




  1. Over the years, Mike has become not merely a legal guardian but a real father to me.
  2. An adult or a legal organization that have permanent residence in Beijing and is entrusted by the student's parents is eligible for being the student's guardian.
  3. Do you have her durable power of attorney for legal affairs, or are you custodial guardian?
  4. Care should be taken to the orphaned or disabled girls and single elderly women with no legal guardian, no working ability and means to make a living both in urban and rural areas.
  5. In case the juvenile is accompanied by a legal guardian, the legal guardian should produce his her identity card and documentary proof of the legal guardianship.
  6. The mother petitioned a local court to annul the marriage, but was denied on the technical ground that she is not the "legal guardian" of the child.
  7. They basically say that you don't have a legal parent or a guardian available.
  8. In case that any party is under judicial age, the execution of this Agreement shall be agreed or made by his legal guardian.
  9. The court constituted him legal guardian of the child.
  10. He became the legal guardian of his brother's daughter.
  11. Each profited from existing content, transformed the marketplace and did so in a legal limbo, where it was not clear who was the trespasser and who was the guardian of the public domain.
  12. The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child.
  13. Doctor, I am the boy's legal guardian.
  14. The child's legal guardian will have to be asked first.
  15. Would you be the legal guardian of my children?
  16. The applicant should be the beneficiary appointed by the Insured or the Insured's legal guardian.
  17. The natural right is the humanity entrusts with in natural moral or the legal right on own initiative stemming from the guardian based on the natural need, establishes the humanity in order to the natural morals or the legal duty.
  18. Conclusion The key point to reduce medical dispute is to guarantee the legal guardian's right of informed consent to patients'medical consultation and hospitalization.
  19. According to the present legal stipulations, his legal representative or guardian, limited to the personal attribute of the declaration of divorce will, can't act for him.
  20. When a underage student is at school, a special form of guardianship occurs which may be called the inevitable "break-away of guardianship" from the legal guardian ( s), and by which is not meant any transference of guardianship to the school.
  21. School bears legal obligation to look after student and is supposed to function prudently, If students were injury or had created injury to others due to school's failure t function, school should be charged with liability for tort, but not liability of guardian.
  22. This kind of relationship should not be differently treated according to different school ownership and not exclude the legal contract between the school and the student or the guardian.
  23. Legal Status of the Guardian in Tort Action
  24. For constructing the legal guardian prosecutors 'status, the answer to this question has a key role.
  25. When minor children were practically in loss of guardianship, legal means should be taken to transfer to guardianship to other qualified guardian.



  1. a person (or institution) to whom legal title to property is entrusted to use for another's benefit

      Synonym:    trustee